
How To House Train A Chihuahua Puppy

House training, also known as house break, is a critical aspect of raising dogs. It involves teaching your pet, at a very young age, the appropriate place for eliminating waste in order to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the home. This training is often done using a combination of rewards for correct behavior and gentle discouragement for mistakes, instilling in the pet a sense of where they can and cannot relieve themselves.

The importance of house training cannot be understated. Firstly, it ensures a clean and hygienic living environment, which is crucial for the health of both you and your pet. Secondly, it helps in building a strong bond between the pet and the dog owner, as it requires patience, consistency, and understanding from the owner's end. Through this process, your furry friends will also learn to trust their owners and understand the rules of the house, resulting in a harmonious cohabitation.

Yorkie Puppy

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Understanding Your Chihuahua Puppy

Chihuahuas or the toy breeds are one of the smallest dogs and are known for their lively and charming personalities. Understanding your little guy is essential for successful training and bonding.

Size and Appearance

Chihuahuas are small dogs, often weighing no more than 6 pounds. They have large, round eyes and ears that stand erect, giving them a distinctive, alert look. Their coat can be either short and smooth or long and soft, with a multitude of color variations.


Chihuahuas are known for their bold and lively disposition. Despite their small size, they're often fearless and full of energy. They're also highly intelligent, making them quick learners, but can be stubborn at times, which may require a little extra patience during training.


Chihuahuas are generally healthy dogs, but they can be prone to certain conditions like heart disease and dental problems due to their small size. Regular vet checks and a healthy diet can help ensure they lead a long, happy life.


Chihuahuas are fiercely loyal, often bonding deeply with one person and showing a reserved attitude toward strangers. Early socialization with different people, pets, and environments can help them become well-rounded dogs.

Exercise Needs

Despite their small size, Chihuahuas have a lot of energy and require regular exercise. Short daily walks, along with playtime at home, can help keep your Chihuahua happy and healthy. You can also establish an exercise pen for your Chihuahua.

Most dogs can have similar characteristics but every one is different. Every Chihuahua is unique and may not fit perfectly into these general characteristics. Your puppy's individual personality and quirks will become more evident as they grow and interact with their environment.

House Training

House Training Supplies For Your Chihuahua

Puppy pads or newspaper

Puppy pads or newspapers are commonly used tools in house training a Chihuahua puppy. Both options can be placed in designated areas where it's acceptable for the puppy to relieve itself.

Puppy Pads

These are specially designed absorbent puppy pads that catch and contain your puppy's waste, making cleanup easy. They often come scented to attract the puppy to do its business on them. Some pet parents prefer this method as it can be more sanitary and less messy. However, depending on your Chihuahua's body language and personality, you can try other training methods.


A more traditional approach involves using newspapers. This method is cost-effective and straightforward, although it can be slightly messier compared to puppy pads. Used newspapers should be replaced immediately after the puppy has soiled them to maintain cleanliness. It has been a good substitute for puppy pads ever since.

It's important to note, regardless of the method you choose, consistency is key. Once you've selected either puppy pads or newspaper, stick with it for the entire duration of the house-training process to avoid confusing your puppy.

Puppy Pad Training

Puppy pad training is an effective method for house training, especially if you live in an apartment or don't have easy access to an outdoor yard. Here are some step-by-step instructions to guide you through this process:

Designate a Puppy Pad Area: Choose a specific, easily accessible area in your house to place the puppy pad. This should be a low-traffic area where your puppy feels comfortable.

Introduce Your Puppy to the Pee Pad: Bring your Chihuahua puppy to the pad multiple times a day, especially after meals, playtime, or naps. This helps them associate the pad with their bathroom needs.

Reward Success: When your puppy uses the pee pad successfully, immediately reward them with a treat and lots of praise. This positive reinforcement helps to instill that going on the pad is the correct behavior. However, you also need to let them know when they are being a bad dog.

Handle Accidents Calmly: Accidents will inevitably happen. If you catch your puppy in the act, distract them and bring them to the pad. Never punish your puppy for accidents as this may create negative associations with the potty pad.

Maintain Consistency: Consistency is key in puppy pad training. Continue to guide your puppy to the pad regularly and reward successful usage until they start going to the pad independently.


A crate can serve as a valuable tool in house training your Chihuahua puppy. It can provide a safe, comfortable space for your puppy and can also help instill a routine. Puppies typically avoid soiling where they sleep, making the crate an effective tool for teaching them to hold their bathroom needs until they're taken to their designated spot. Crates should be large enough for the puppy to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably, but not so large that they might be tempted to eliminate in one corner. It's important to ensure that crate training is a positive experience for your puppy, and it should never be used as a form of punishment.

Cleaning supplies

Accidents are inevitable during the house training process, making it essential to have the right cleaning supplies on hand. An enzymatic cleaner is highly recommended. Unlike traditional cleaners, enzymatic cleaners break down the proteins in pet waste to eliminate the smell completely, discouraging your puppy from soiling the same spot again. Other useful cleaning supplies include paper towels for initial clean-up, rubber gloves to maintain hygiene, and a scrub brush for cleaning soiled carpets or upholstery. Remember, quick and thorough clean-ups can help signal to your Chihuahua puppy that accidents are undesirable.

Treats for positive reinforcement

Rewarding your Chihuahua puppy with treats is a crucial part of house training. Treats act as a motivator and a tool for positive reinforcement, making the learning process more enjoyable and effective. Each time your puppy successfully eliminates in the designated spot, immediately giving them a treat helps reinforce this behavior. It's important to select healthy, puppy-appropriate treats that your Chihuahua will love. Keep in mind that treats should be small to prevent overfeeding. Additionally, vary the types of treats to maintain your puppy's interest. Always remember to praise your puppy verbally as well to develop a strong bond and to further encourage their good behavior.

Pad Training

Outdoor Training

Outdoor training forms a significant part of house training your Chihuahua puppy. The practice of taking your puppy outside to eliminate serves two purposes. First, it teaches them where it's acceptable to relieve themselves. Second, it provides an opportunity for physical exercise and mental stimulation, which are critical for a puppy's overall development.

Start training by establishing a regular potty schedule, taking your puppy outside first thing in the morning, after meals and playtime, and before bedtime. Choose a specific outdoor location for them to use and always take them to the same spot - the scent will encourage them to go.

While outside, give your puppy enough time to find their spot and relieve themselves without feeling rushed. When they do eliminate outside, offer high praise and a treat as a reward. Over time, your puppy will associate eliminating outside with receiving rewards, strengthening the behavior.

Potty training is a significant transition for your Chihuahua puppy which can give them trouble transitioning, and there may be occasional accidents or setbacks. With time and persistence, your puppy will learn the desired behavior.

Potty Training Your Chihuahua

Potty training a Chihuahua, as with any breed, requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Start by establishing a consistent schedule as this will make your puppy's potty schedule more predictable. Next, designate a specific outdoor location for your Chihuahua to eliminate. Each time your puppy needs to go, take them to this location. This repetition will help your puppy understand where they should

Every time your puppy eliminates in the correct and designated potty spot, reward them immediately with praise and a treat. This will reinforce the behavior and encourage your puppy to repeat it. Remember, accidents will happen during the potty training process. If you catch your puppy in the act, interrupt them with a firm "no" and immediately take them to the designated spot. Do not punish your puppy for accidents, as this may create fear and confusion.

To further assist with potty training, consider using a crate. Puppies like Chihuahua puppies typically avoid soiling their sleeping area, so a crate can be an effective tool in teaching them to hold their bathroom needs. Be sure to take your puppy outside immediately after they exit the crate.

The key to successful potty training is consistency. Stick to a routine, keep using the same designated potty spot for elimination, and continue rewarding successful attempts. With time, patience, and consistent training, your Chihuahua will learn to do their business in the right place.

Outdoor Training

Supplies for Potty Training Your Chihuahua


A leash is an essential supply for potty training your Chihuahua. It allows you to guide your puppy to the designated potty area and ensures safety outdoors. Choose a lightweight, comfortable leash suitable for small breeds or toy breeds.

Pee Pads/Newspaper

As discussed earlier, puppy pads or newspaper can be used for indoor potty training. The puppy pads are placed in designated areas where your puppy can relieve itself.


A crate serves as a safe space for your puppy and assists in potty training. It should be of appropriate size, allowing your puppy to comfortably stand, turn around, and lie down. A good crate is essential for crate training.

Cleaning Supplies

Prepare for inevitable accidents with proper cleaning supplies. An enzymatic cleaner can effectively eliminate odor, discouraging your puppy from soiling the same spot. Paper towels, rubber gloves, and a scrub brush may also be needed.

Treats for Positive Reinforcement

Treats are a key component of positive reinforcement training. Offering a treat each time your puppy successfully eliminates in the designated spot reinforces the behavior.


Toys can help distract your puppy from inappropriate chewing or potty behavior. They also serve as excellent rewards for successful potty attempts.

Puppy-appropriate Food

Puppies have specific dietary needs. Feeding them appropriately not only supports their growth but also aids in regulating their elimination patterns, which is crucial for potty training.

Water Dish

Adequate hydration is essential for your puppy's health. However, controlling water intake, especially near bedtime, can reduce chances of accidents.

Remember, these are just the basic supplies. Depending on your puppy's specific needs and your individual preferences, you may require additional items for potty training your Chihuahua. Always prioritize your puppy's comfort, safety, and well-being during the training process.

The Role of Patience and Consistency

When it comes to potty training your Chihuahua puppy, patience and consistency are indispensable. Puppies are not born with an understanding of appropriate places to eliminate, making consistent training crucial to instill this knowledge. Regularly taking your puppy to the designated potty area and rewarding successful attempts create a positive association and encourage repeat behavior. Similarly, using the same words or phrases during potty time will help your puppy associate these cues with the act of elimination.

However, it's important to remember that no puppy is perfect, and accidents are a common part of the learning process. Most dogs take their time in learning. This is where patience comes into play. It's easy to feel frustrated when accidents occur, but responding with anger or punishment can lead to fear and confusion in your puppy, hindering the training process. Instead, if you catch your puppy in the act, calmly interrupt them and guide them to the potty area. Keeping a calm and positive attitude throughout the process not only helps in maintaining a strong and trusting bond with your puppy, but it also makes for a more effective training process. In the end, the combination of consistency and patience will pave the way for a successfully potty trained Chihuahua.

How Long Does House Training Your Chihuahua Puppy Take?

House training a Chihuahua puppy is not an overnight process and varies from one puppy to another. The duration of potty training depends on several factors such as the puppy's age, temperament, and their previous experiences with potty habits. Generally, it can take somewhere between few weeks to a few months to fully potty train a Chihuahua puppy. Remember, your patience and consistency during this period play a crucial role in shaping your puppy's habits. It's important to continue reinforcing good behavior and maintain a regular bathroom, feeding, and exercise schedule even after your puppy seems to be potty trained. This will help to solidify the training and ensure long-term success.